23 research outputs found

    Kuyum Atölyelerinde Kullanılan Atıkgaz Yıkama Ekipmanlarının Verimliliklerinin Belirlenmesi

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    During the processes where acid and cyanide are used in jewelery workshops, waste gasesoriginates that hazardous in terms of human and environmental health and material. It is necessary tocontrol these originated gas flows with suitable methods and equipment in the workshop and convertthem to non-hazardous forms. For this purpose, waste gas washing equipment which can be used byvarious producers in jewelery workshops are produced. In this study, waste gas stream hazardousemissions removal efficiency of a system produced for this purpose was examined and the measures to betaken for the continuous efficiency were mentioned. According to results; it has been determined that thenitric acid emissions and the sulfuric acid emissions originated from the iron / copper solvation processare reduced by 94.5% and 88.3%, respectively, by means of waste gas washing system. It has beendetermined that cyanide emissions are reduced by 98.7% by washing the waste gases from the bombingprocess by means of washing system. According to results, treated toxic gaseous emission concentrationswere below the limit.values of Turkish Industrial Air Pollution Control Regulation (TIAPCR) and Netherlands EmissionGuidelines for Air (NER).Kuyum atölyelerinde asit ve siyanür kullanılan işlemler esnasında, insan ve çevre sağlığı ile malzeme üzerinde zararlı olacak nitelikte atık gazlar ortaya çıkmaktadır. Oluşan bu atık gaz akımlarının, oluştuğu atölye içinde uygun yöntem ve ekipmanlarla kontrol edilmesi ve zararsız hale getirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu amaçla çeşitli üreticiler tarafından kuyum atölyelerinde kullanılabilecek atık gaz yıkama ekipmanları üretilmektedir. Yapılan çalışmada bu amaçla üretilmiş bir sistemin atık gaz akımı içerisindeki zararlı emisyonları giderme verimi incelenmiş ve verimin sürekliliğinin sağlanması için alınması gereken önlemler belirtilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar incelendiğinde; kullanılan atık gaz yıkama sistemi sayesinde demir/bakır indirme işleminden kaynaklanan nitrik asit emisyonlarının %94,5, sülfürik asit emisyonlarının ise %88,3 oranında giderildiği belirlenmiştir. Patlatma işleminden kaynaklanan atık gazların yıkama sisteminde yıkanması ile siyanür emisyonun ise %98,7 oranında giderildiği tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre arıtılmış toksik gaz emisyonları; Sanayi Kaynaklı Hava Kirliliğinin Kontrolü Yönetmeliği ve Hollanda Hava Emisyon Klavuzu’nda verilen limit değerlerin altında kalmıştı

    Determining pull - out deformations of bonded metal anchors embedded in concrete by means of photogrammetry

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    Chemical anchorages are applied in many engineering implementations, particularly strengthening of reinforced concrete structures. During strengthening procedure; chemical anchorages should be tested, since they supply to transfer the load between existing construction elements and newly added elements. Therefore; the study of the quality of chemical anchorages is an important issue in construction materials science. In this context; the most important experiment is to determine the pull-out loads of embedded anchorage reinforcement by applying axial loads. In this study; it is aimed to determine the displacements of steel reinforcements, embedded into concrete by using chemical anchorages, while applying axial pulling loads. In order to determine the displacements and load - deformation graphs; starting conditions and every 10 bar pressure applied conditions of the steel reinforcements were captured by the cameras. The obtained images were evaluated by using photogrammetric software. Based on the photogrammetric post-processing results, the load - deformation graphs were plotted and the loads at loss of adhesion were determined.Publisher's Versio

    Investigation of the Treatment Efficiency of Biofilters in Terms of Odorous Gases Originated from Animal Breeding

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    Çalışmada hayvan çiftliklerinden kaynaklanan ve amonyak içeren kokulu atık gazların biyofiltrelerlearıtılması araştırılmıştır. Biyofiltreler, düşük enerji gereksinimleri ve ilk kurulum maliyetinin düşüklüğünedeniyle koku kontrolünde tercih edilmektedir. Bu nedenle, çalışmada hayvan barınaklarının aralıklıhavalandırma uygulamasının simüle edilmesi için kesikli düzenle kurulan laboratuvar ölçekli reaktörlerkullanılmıştır. Seri bağlı iki adet reaktöre kirletici olarak, konsantre amonyum hidroksit çözeltisinden havageçirmek suretiyle ile sıyrılarak elde edilen amonyak/hava karışımları beslenmiştir. Filtrelerde dolgumaddesi olarak evsel katı atıktan üretilmiş kompost ve odun talaşı karışımı kullanılmıştır. Farklı yüklemeoranlarına karşılık amonyağın biyofiltrelerde aerobik-biyolojik olarak oksidasyon verimi ve bu verimietkileyen faktörler incelenmiştir. Aklimasyon dönemi dahil 130 günlük süre içinde 1,32-27 g NH3/m3.saataralığında 8 farklı değerde yükleme yapılmış, ortalama amonyak giderim verimi % 97,2±1,8 olarakbulunmuştur.In the study, treatment of odorous waste gases emited from the cattle and sheep breeding facilities and poultry farms which containing ammonia were investigated by means of biofilters. Biofilters are preferred for odor control due to their low energy requirement and capital cost. For this purpose, bench scale batch reactors, were used to simulate the intermittent ventilation of animal barns. Ammonia/air mixtures used as pollution source were obtained by stripping the concentrated ammonium hydroxide via air and fed to two serially connected biofilter modules. Compost produced from domestic solid waste and sawdust mixture was used as a packing material in the filters. Factors affecting aerobic-biologic oxidation of ammonia in biofilters were investigated for different loading rates. During the 130 days which including the acclimation period, 8 different loads were loaded in the range of 1.32-27 g NH3/m3.h and the average ammonia removal rate was found as 97.2% ± 1.8

    Investigation of the chlorine dioxide disinfection in terms of disinfection by product (DBP) formation of Omerli raw water in Istanbul

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    Chlorine which is nowadays the most commonly used disinfectant, interacts aquatic organic matter and causes formation of harmful disinfection by products. For this reason, number of researches on chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant alternative to chlorine, increased in recent years. After disinfection via the chlorine dioxide, chlorite and chlorate which defines as inorganic by products are formed. Chlorite total maximum concentration in water is limited as 1 mg/L as by USEPA. WHO limits total maximum chlorite concentration as 0.7 mg/L in water. There is no detailed study has been conducted for determination of the limit value yet in our country. In this study; after 0.25; 0.50; 0.75; 1; 1.25 and 1.5 mg/L chlorine dioxide had been dosed to Omerli raw water samples taken in December, and February; disinfection by products: chlorite, chlorate, THMs, HAAs and water quality parameters such as TOC, chloride, floride, bromide, sulphate and nitrate were analyzed and effect of the pH and contact time also investigated

    Chemical Characterization Of Natural Organic Matter In Surface Waters And Effect On Thm Formation Potential

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2005Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2005İçme sularında dezenfeksiyon ve oksidasyon amacıyla kullanılan klor, sudaki doğal organik maddelerle (DOM) reaksiyona girerek dezenfeksiyon yan ürünleri (DYÜ) olarak adlandırılan ve insan sağlığı açısından kanserojen etkiye sahip olduğu tahmin edilen trihalometanlar (THM) ve haloasetik asitler (HAA) gibi bileşikleri oluşturmaktadır. Klor bu dezavantajına rağmen ülkemizde ve dünya çapında hala çok yaygın bir şekilde içme suyu arıtımında ön oksidasyon ve dezenfeksiyon işlemlerinde kullanılmaktadır. Klorun su arıtımında fazla ilgi görmesinin nedeni, çok etkili bir dezenfektan olmasının yanı sıra kullanım kolaylığı ve düşük maliyete sahip olmasıdır. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde THM’lerin 4 ve HAA’ların 5 türünün toplamı için EPA maksimum kirletici seviyesini (MCLs) TTHM’ler için 80 µg/L ve HAA5 için 60 µg/L olarak belirlemiştir. Ülkemizde 2005 yılında çıkan ‘İnsani Tüketim Amaçlı Sular Hakkında Yönetmelik’ e göre TTHM için sınır değer 100 µg/L olmakla beraber 31.12.2012 tarihine kadar 150 µg/L olarak uygulanacaktır. Avrupa Birliği ise üye ülkelerde TTHM limit değerinin 100 µg/L olarak uygulanmasını zorunlu kılmıştır. ABD’deki içme suyu yönetmelikleri bu limitlerin sağlanması için içme suyu arıtma tesislerinin dezenfeksiyon yan ürünleri oluşumunda en önemli rol oynayan ve öncü bileşikler (precursor) olarak adlandırılan toplam organik karbon (TOK) konsantrasyonunu 2 mg/L’nin altına çekmelerini zorunlu kılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada İstanbul’a su sağlayan Ömerli Barajı’ndan alınan ham su numunelerindeki, doğal organik maddeler XAD reçineleri kullanılarak karakterize edilmiş ve her fraksiyon ayrı ayrı klorlanarak dezenfeksiyon yan ürünü olan trihalometanların (THM’ler) oluşumları üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir.When chlorine is applied to drinking water processes, it reacts with natural organic matter (NOM) and forms various types of chlorinated disinfection by-products (DBPs). These halogenated by-products are considered to be possible human carcinogens and named as trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs). Although chlorine has several disadvantages in water treatment, it is widely used for disinfection and oxidation purposes. Chlorine is preffered in water treatment mainly due to its high oxidation state, practical use, and low operation and maintenance cost. USEPA regulated TTHM and 5 species of HAA in potable water units at a level of 80 µg/L and 60 µg/L, respectively. TTHM level was regulated to be 100 µg/L but it is being regulated 150 µg/L to 31.12.2012 in Türkiye now. In addition, TTHM level was regulated to be 100 µg/L in European Community Countries. US Drinking Water Regulations force water utilities to further increase DBP precursor removal with removing TOC below 2 mg/L. In this study, using XAD resins, we investigated changes on NOM fractions and THM formation in drinking water samples taken from Ömerli Dam in İstanbul.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Discussion: comments on the article titled as “Bitlis air pollution emission ınventory and estimation of health effects by multiple linear regression” (journal of natural hazards and environment, january 2019, 5(1): 1-10)

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    Doğal Afetler ve Çevre Dergisi’nde yayınlanan "Bitlis Hava Kirliliği Emisyon Envanteri ve Sağlık Etkilerinin Çoklu Lineer Regresyonla Tahmini” isimli yayında (Ocak 2019, 5(1): 1-10) Bitlis’te 2015 yılında yakılan yakıt miktarından hareketle; SOx, NOx, PM10 ve CO parametreleri için kütlesel debiler hesaplanmıştır. Ayrıca Bitlis’te 2012-2015 yılları arasında mevcut hastanelere solunum yoluyla ilgili başvuran hasta sayıları elde edilmiştir. Hasta sayıları ve emisyon verileri kullanılarak 2015 yılı hasta sayıları tahmin edilmiş ve hesaplanan hasta sayısı ile elde edilen hasta sayısı arasında yüksek korelasyon görüldüğü belirtilmiştir. Çalışmada çok önemli hatalar mevcuttur. Hesaplamaya esas alınan kömür miktarı ve hesaplanan emisyon faktörlerinin bazıları hatalı olup bu nedenle elde edilen emisyon envanteri tamamen yanlıştır. Bu durumda elde edilen korelasyon değeri de tamamen rastlantısaldır. Bu makaleden faydalanacak okuyucuların bu hataları görmesi açısından yapılan tespitler değerlendirme olarak çalışmada verilmiştir.According to the article published in Journal of Natural Hazards and Environment, titled as “Bitlis Air Pollution Emission Inventory and Estimation of Health Effects by Multiple Linear Regression” (January 2019, 5(1): 1-10); mass discharges for the parameters of SOx, NOx, PM10 and CO were estimated by means of 2015 burned coal data in Bitlis. In addition, the number of patients admitted to hospitals for respiratory diseases in Bitlis between 2012 and 2015 were obtained. The patient numbers and the emission data were used to estimate the number of patients in 2015 and a high correlation was observed between the number of patients calculated and the number of patients obtained. There were very important errors in the study. The amount of coal taken into account and some of the calculated emission factors were inaccurate, thus, the emission inventory was completely wrong. In this case, the correlation value was completely random. In this discussion, the findings of the discussed article were evaluated so that the readers benefiting from discussed article can see these mistakes

    Seasonal Determination and Investigation of Disinfection by Product Formation Potentials (DBPFPs) of Surface Waters, İstanbul Ömerli and Büyükçekmece Case Study

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    All surface and ground waters include natural organic matter (NOM). During the disinfection NOM reacts with chlorine and forms various types of halogenated disinfection by-products (DBPs). There are lots of study in the literature about these possible carcinogenic effects on human. Trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs) are the most widely known and most produced DBPs. But there lots of different types of DBPs occurred after the disinfection and sometimes absorbable organic halogens (AOX) measurement can be used for determining the total amount of DBPs. In this study raw water samples were taken from Büyükçekmece (BC) and Ömerli (OM) surface water sources in the seasonal basis. At the first stage water quality parameters were analysed and then samples were chlorinated. After 7 days reaction period THMs, HAAs, haloasetonitrilles (HANs), chloral hydrate (CH), chloropicrin (CP) and AOX measurements were conducted and according to these results undefined DBPs percentage of AOX was calculated. In terms of OM and BC raw water undefined portion of AOX was averagely calculated as 59.4% and 58% respectively

    Monitoring seasonal variations of haloacetic acids (HAAS) in low-TOC and low-chlorine networks and assessing risk to public health: Muş, Türkiye case

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    Chlorine not only removes parasitic pathogenic microorganisms in water, but also causes the formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs) that can be carcinogenic to humans, due to  reacting with natural organic matter (NOMs) in raw water sources. Haloacetic acids (HAAs) are one of the most well-known and common disinfection by-product groups (DBPs) in the literature.  In the risk definitions of the EPA, some of its components have been identified as carcinogenic. Therefore, determination of HAA concentration in water and execution of a risk analysis are very important in terms of determining the possible effects on public health. This study aimed to monitor the seasonal and spatial variations of haloacetic acids (HAAs) in 2 different water supplies (surface and groundwater) serving the city center of Muş Province, Türkiye, and to demonstrate their public health implications. In this context, an analytical study was conducted covering 4 seasons. According to the results, although the amount of NOM in water bodies was less than 1 mg‧L−1, the HAA5 content may occasionally exceed the USEPA limits of 60 µg‧L−1, but did not exceed the Canadian 80 µg‧L−1 limit. When the WHO limit values were examined on a component basis, it was determined that the MCAA concentrations in both water sources sometimes exceeded the limit of 20 µg‧L−1 in the July and October sampling periods. The risk level related to maximum DCAA level in the main network by means of ingestion pathway was found to be 18.7 times higher for women and 16.5 times higher for men when compared with USEPA risk criteria. Also, in the Muratpaşa water network, risk from DCAA exceeds the USEPA risk level 15.2-fold in women and 13.4-fold in men. However, since it was also found that the level of free chlorine in the network does not meet the required level, it should be noted that there may be an increase in the risk level if there is adequate chlorination in the supply

    Determination and evaluation of seasonal changes of DBPs after chlorination in networks using underground water. Muş, Turkey case

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    This study aimed to determine the seasonal change of the concentrations of trihalomethanes (THMs) and one of the newly emerging byproducts haloacetonitriles (HANs), the most abundant group of some disinfection by-products (DBPs) forming as a result of chlorination of drinking water supplied from 2 different reservoirs to the city centre of Muş for disinfection purposes and called chlorinated organic halogens. The quantitative determination of these compounds, some of which may have carcinogenic properties, and the evaluation of their possible effects on public health constitute the importance of the study. The results show that although there is not sufficient chlorination in both water networks and total organic carbon (TOC) values are low in underground water, the total THMs some-times exceed the 100 μg/dm3 value applied in Turkey and pose a risk. It was observed that the total HAN values remain below the 2 μg/dm3 concentration in both networks

    Physical Characterisation of Natural Organic Matter and Determination of Disinfection By-Product Formation Potentials in Istanbul Surface Waters

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    Natural organic matter (NOM) is a complex mixture of various organic molecules mainly originating from aquatic organisms, soil and terrestrial vegetation which enters surface and ground waters. Through the different reaction reactivity of the NOM components with disinfectants, isolation and fractionation of NOM into more homogenous components is the better way of determining the DBP formation potential of the waters. Within the aim and scope of this paper, raw water samples were taken from Buyuk-cekmece (BC) and Omerli (OM) surface water sources which supply drinking water to Istanbul, in eight different months between February 2010 and February 2011. At first water quality parameters were analysed. Then, the physical structure of the waters' dissolved organic matter (DOM) content, seasonal variations of this structure, reactivity of DOM by means of DBP production and the effects of the seasonal variations on this reactivity were investigated. In terms of specific reactivity of the OM and BC physical fractions, 5kDa fraction was also determined as the most reactive part of the DOM in terms of SAOXFP for both waters. Both of the waters SUVA values were increased due to the increase of DOM molecular weight but there was no similar trend in the formation of by-products. The main reason for this situation is the lower SUVA and DOM values of the waters investigated. In this context, it can be said that OM and BC waters have special characteristics